We've set up this space to keep track of this, the biggest project we've put together. We started planning in early March for a Fall wedding, nearly 7 months to plan and pull off this shindig!
We're actually having two-one for family and the other for friends. While both are for people we love we recognize that some things that would be fun for one group, might be less fun for the other group so we split them up! And this means the planning, etc. is double in some aspects. We'll do our best to update here on the entire wedding, each of its aspects and the whole event together.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I've not updated in a while (bad blogger!), but in my defense, life's been busy. School's back in session, but the girls' school is not-go figure. So I have been working full time and dealing with bored kids who are sooooooooo ready to go back to school (in my opinion, of course). Anyway, what with work, home life, kids, getting ready for Burning Man, and getting ready for a wedding in (ohmygod) just about 6 weeks...yeah, life's busy.
We have been getting things done. The music is all but done (Rahel's done a great great job with it all), the card box is in process (Shira's working on that), both my skirts are done, one for the family wedding and the other for the friends' wedding, my corsets, I hear, are coming along nicely. My dad's feeling better and the work on the garden's coming along; it's going to be beautiful! The girls' outfits are just about done. The lawyer/prenup thing is progressing. We've finished the programs. That was a big one. AJ, mostly, worked on that. A lot. It started as a simple project mainly because I felt the need to cite the sources we were using (English teacher that I am). And the project grew and grew until its final form was a booklet of silver paper pasted onto blue and with black words printed on it. We also pasted pictures of ourselves on one page, and created a crossword puzzle with trivia about us (well, the internet helped with that part).
Here's the finished product:

The other big piece we finished, and one on which I mostly worked, is the center pieces. I got the idea here: http://offbeatbride.com/2009/01/diy-ornament-bouquet but changed it around a bit. Instead of a bouquet, it's a centerpiece, and that means construction had to be different. I played with it a while and finally found the right way to do it. We also experimented with different sizes of ornaments so the result is a mix of sizes. My niece Abbey helped with this project and it was fun to hang out with her a bit.

This will sit in the middle of a pewter dish with black and blue marbles on it. I'll post pics when it's all done.

Things still to do:

Finish the prenup stuff
Pay the vendors the balances
Finish putting favors together
Rewrite the ceremony a bit as we've talked to our officiant and have a better idea how it's all gonna go.
Finish the earrings the girls and I will wear
Finish working on the yard decorations (closer to the date)
Talk to the photographer about shots we want
Do seating chart for the friends' wedding
Do the technical paperwork for, you know, getting married
Find a frame for the guest book explanation sheet
Write the individual parts of the ceremony

I'm sure there's more that I am forgetting...

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