We've set up this space to keep track of this, the biggest project we've put together. We started planning in early March for a Fall wedding, nearly 7 months to plan and pull off this shindig!
We're actually having two-one for family and the other for friends. While both are for people we love we recognize that some things that would be fun for one group, might be less fun for the other group so we split them up! And this means the planning, etc. is double in some aspects. We'll do our best to update here on the entire wedding, each of its aspects and the whole event together.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Getting close

5 days to go!
We took a chunk of the weekend off from wedding planning. We attended a friend's wedding and my nephew's 4th Birthday Party. Lots of fun with kids, babies, laughing with new friends and old.

Then we came back and back to it we went.

First house guests arrive tomorrow!

This afternoon I am driving an hour plus to pick up my corset! SO excited. A friend is making it for me as a gift and it turned out more complicated than we thought. Which accounts for the delay. But now it's ready and I am going to get it, right after work!

This means my outfit for Wedding Event I is complete.

So, of course, I have to start second guessing. Do I want to wear the boots I bought for the wedding, which are really (really) pretty, but also higher heels and thus less comfortable (even though I've been practicing), or wear my kick ass platform stompy boots, which are comfy and kick ass, but not special for the wedding?

These are the things occupying my mind this morning, instead of the work I should be doing...

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